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Concierge Consulting for Hotels & Restaurants

Hotel Restaurant

Comprehensive Sales Strategies

  • Market specific Competitive Analysis

  • Structured & personalized Prospecting/New Customer program

  • Introduction to Revenue Management

  • Customized suggestions on operating software

  • Create/redefine Sales Incentive Plans

Full Analytical Business Overview

  • Critically analyze existing procedures to increase efficiency and decrease labor costs

  • Cost-saving and sales generating recommendations

  • Budget development

  • Branding & Re-branding

  • Core business values development

Concierge Desk

Personalized Cost-Cutting Techniques

  • Food cost tracking with pricing suggestions and profit margins 

  • Labor cost analysis and action plan to reach maximum efficiency

Staff Training &
Performance Review

  • One-on-one training

  • Department training - customer service, sales & prospecting, restaurant service

  • Custom training guide development

  • Recruitment

  • Hiring & firing advice

Event Table Setting

Package, Document & Spreadsheet Design

  • Packages and promotional materials

  • Proposals

  • Contracts

  • Invoices & payment logs

  • Client-tracking spreadsheets

  • Training guides for event operations

  • Monthly, quarterly, annual performance reports

  • Basic group menus

  • Market segment reports

Custom Consulting

  • Property Opening Sales Strategy

  • Package Creation/Redesign Only

  • Recruitment - Sales, Events, F&B, Management 

  • Event Planner/Caterer Contracts & Package Design

Please reach out for custom consulting options.

Restaurant Table
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